Cassava Cake recipe

Cassava Cake recipe
Cassava Cake recipe



-800gr clean cassava (peeled the skin)

-1/2 tsp salt

-4 tbsp tapioca flour tepung

-1/2 tsp vanilla

-230gr granulated sugar

-2 eggs

-400ml coconut milk (3x@65gr coconut milk plus 400ml total water)

-100gr melted margarine


Grease Ingredients:

-2 tbsp honey


Grated cassava, add other ingredients

Mix all the ingredients, pour it into a loaf pan so that the results are high, you can use a 20x20 pan, the results are short

Oven at 180°c top and bottom fire for 1 hour, remove the honey, oven again at 180°c top heat for 15 minutes, cool until really cold, cut with a plastic knife


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