Seafood salad recipe

Seafood salad recipe
Seafood salad recipe


250 grams of seafood (croft, calamari, cauliflower)

3 tomatoes

2 green peppers

1 onion

1 tablespoon minced parsley

1 lemon

1 can of cotton

- - olive oil

- a pinch of black pepper

- pinch of salt

How to prepare

1 - We clean the seafood we have chosen and wash it well

2- Boil the seafood in boiling salted water, then drain it and set it aside

3- Cut the vegetables: green pepper, onion and tomato into equal size pieces

4- In a large bowl, put the seafood, chopped greens and chopped parsley

5- Add the fenugreek seeds, lemon juice, a little salt and black pepper, then mix the ingredients quietly before serving

Healer's advice

Seafood salad can be served with garlic bread with cheese

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