Choki-Choki & Strawberry Ice Milk loly Recipe

Choki-Choki & Strawberry Ice Milk loly Recipe
Choki-Choki & Strawberry Ice Milk


- 500ml UHT liquid milk

-1/2 can of white sweetened condensed milk

- 1 tbsp cornstarch

- 2 tsp salt

-3 choki-choki sticks

- 5 strawberries

2 tbsp sugar

- 50 ml of boiled water

How to make:

1. Mix liquid milk with sweetened condensed milk,

boil over low heat, while stirring until

slightly foamy at the edges.

2. Pour the cornstarch that has been dissolved with

a little liquid milk, and also add salt. Stir

again until smooth, then turn off the heat. Chill.

3. Slice 5 strawberries, put them in the berry pot

sugar and water msak until

4. Prepare a plastic wrap for ice lolly, put it in

choki-choki, and strawberry jam, only % sticks are enough

and jam to taste. Then flatten but random

in order to obtain an abstract motif.

5. Pour the milk that is really cold, if

need to be stored in the refrigerator first

so that when pouring milk, choki-choki and jam

not melted). Fill the ice pack to the brim, then tie.

6.Store in the freezer for a few hours

until frozen and ready to be enjoyed.

7. Choki-Choki and Strawberry Ice Milk are ready to be served


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