How to make Butter Roll Cake

How to make Butter Roll Cake 


5 eggs
85 gr fine granulated sugar
1/2 tbsp sp (optional)
1 tbsp water
70 gr blue key flour
15 gr cornstarch
10 gr milk powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
100 gr butter, melted
enough moca tofieco paste
How to make :
- Mix the eggs, granulated sugar and sp mixer until it expands and is thick, (stand mixer MX-100 at full speed, moms. ⁣
Then add the vanilla extract, mix well. add water + butter stir, moca paste stir until blended. Pour into a 24x28x3cm tin
Bake at 170'c, fire up and down MO-888 until cooked. chill
Solution: Apply buttercream to the cake, give meses rolls and compact it, let it set before cutting it. ⁣
Thank You 


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